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Mecha Manga Bible heroes comic book #2
About this project
The creators of the comic book MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES ( seek to further their tale beyond the initial "David vs. Goliath" story by offering the complete story of "The Rise of King David."Additional installments will be released digitally with the potential one day of all four parts of the story before being collected into a paperback edition. These new digital comic installments will be launched for use with iPhone and iTouch systems and made available as downloads on the Apple iBooks store. Other outlets and systems are possible as well.
The journey to David's kingship is packed with action, adventure and intrigue in MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES, a digital comic series that offers a "new twist" on the Old Testament. The stories, characters and themes remain the same - only the setting has changed to a futuristic sci-fi world of robots, aliens and advanced technology, depicted in manga-style art. Readers will thrill as David becomes a fugitive from the deadly King Saul, jealous over the adoration David has received since slaying the giant (robot) Goliath.
Our first issue met with a lot of attention. After we officially announced our series, hits to our website increased 10,000%. We received a lot of publicity in newspapers, on the internet and over the radio and were even invited to appear on a Catholic TV interview show (see the attached video). We are hereby raising funds to meet the requests of those that want to read more installments.
Picking up where issue #1 left off, the new entries detail how the masses embrace David, and even write a song about him with these lyrics: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands." Of course, this angers the sitting King, Saul. The story then takes on the tone of "The Fugitive" with David on the run from the incensed King Saul.
The series will now feature new art from Josh Alves and Eric Merced in addition to our team of writers, editors, letterers, colorists and programmers. A potential paperback edition would include a reworking of issue #1 with new art. Funding is required to enable our creative team to deliver this content in the high quality digital comic book format.